Dhul Hijjah: The Most Rewarding Days

July 16, 2020


The Prophet [pbuh] said: “The best days in this worldly life are the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.”

Dhul Hijjah is the final month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar and is also the month in which pilgrims perform Hajj, Muslims across the globe celebrate Eid ul Adha and when Muslims mark the important Day of Arafat.

Although this Dhul Hijjah and Eid will be very different as few people will be able to go on Hajj and the world is still in the midst of a global pandemic, these ten days are considered the best in which to do good deeds. Every day, a good deed brings reward for those doing the good deed and those benefiting from them.

What Good Deeds Can We All Do in Dhul Hijjah?

1. Smile

A smile is a form of charity. This means that you can lift someone’s mood by making them feel at ease and giving them reason to smile too. A warm smile really makes your day!

2. Give Charity

Giving charity, even if it is a little or a lot makes a different to the giver and the beneficiary. Your generosity can help someone struggling, it can let them know they are not alone and it shares blessings across borders. We have seen the positive impact of giving in Gaza and how it helps those coping with poverty and insecurity.

3. Fasting

It is recommended that people fast during the first 10 days, especially the Day or Arafat. On this day, the Prophet (pbuh) delivered his sermon on Mount Arafat and this sermon has many important lessons for us to ponder and emulate.

4. Qurbani

Qurbani is considered obligatory by some scholars and an important sunnah by others. It is part of the celebration of Eid and allows people to eat fresh meat, cook their traditional dishes to share with friends and family and also provide meat to those in need. Qurbani is an act of sacrifice, or worship and of sharing.

5. Do something for your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters

With the ongoing Covid19 Crisis, things are uncertain and insecure across the world. Often the most vulnerable communities suffer. It has also been difficult for families to spend time together and many will spend Eid away from their loved ones. On the days of Eid, make the effort to reach out- send Eid messages, send gifts, give sadaqah and make a prayer for all those celebrating with you!

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